how you can help

volunteer with TTG

Want to be a part of this growing effort to preserve the history of the trans community? Thank you for your willingness to help! Here's some helpful information before you dive in.

  • As a means of centering on the needs of our community at all times, The Trans Guide is fully LGBTQIA+-run and operated. Non-LGBTQIA+ allies and supporters of our work are encouraged to donate funds to keep this venture afloat, submit helpful resources to our database, and share our content on social media.
  • Because our work is funded solely through grants, our budget is solely spent on maintaining the hosting for this site. There are no paid roles available yet.
  • Volunteer work is flexible and can take many forms. If you have ideas on how to make this project better, you are encouraged to share your thoughts!
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open roles

  • transcriber

    duties include editing oral history transcripts and blog posts
    role specifics

    example tasks:

    • clean up oral history transcripts for clarity and ease of reading
    • work with guest authors to develop well-written personal essays and how-to guides for the blog
  • social media manager

    duties include writing social media posts and drafting graphics in Canva
    role specifics

    example tasks:

    • draft graphics and copy for social media, including accessible image IDs

    ideal experience:

    • experience with social media content creation and management
    • experience with Sendible and/or Canva

    trainings required:

    • brief intro to Sendible
    • brief intro to Canva
    • brief intro to writing image descriptions
  • resource gatherer

    duties include compiling resources for TTG's growing resource database, as well as collecting logos, contact information, and descriptions for resource submissions
    role specifics

    example tasks:

    • research organizations, groups, and institutions that provide services to the trans community around the U.S.
    • gather information on helpful resources and place them into a spreadsheet for inclusion on the website

    ideal experience:

    • none

    trainings required:

    • none
  • content writer

    duties include curating TTG content for the blog and drafting engaging copy for newsletters
    role specifics

    example tasks:

    • manage pitch submissions to curate insightful content for the blog
    • write blurbs for the newsletter to boost engagement, update stakeholders, and recruit narrators and writers

    ideal experience:

    • experience in non-fiction writing on LGBTQ+ topics

    trainings required:

    • none
  • website manager

    duties include adding oral histories, resources, and blog posts to the website
    role specifics

    example tasks:

    • add edited transcripts to the website alongside narrator photos, audio clips, and videos as applicable
    • add resources to the database
    • add blog posts to the website with guest author information and any photos needed

    ideal experience:

    • experience with content management systems, such as Webflow or Wordpress

    trainings required:

    • brief intro to Webflow
    • brief intro to Airtable

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